Monday, December 08, 2008

Report #8

What do I teach? How do I teach? Why do I teach what I teach?

1. What are my objectives in this lesson?
My objectives in this activity are students to practice the adjectives they have learned so far.
2. What have I taken into consideration?
Before planning this activity I thought about the content already covered by the teacher. I also took into consideration the students’ level and learning styles.

1. What is the relationship between the lesson I planned and what actually happened in the class?
Fortunately, the activity went as I had planned it.
2. What events in the class made me deviate from my plans?
As I mentioned before I did not need to change anything from my plan.
3. Am I responsible in any way for discipline problems students might have?
Yes, I think I am responsible somehow of indiscipline problems because I have to manage the class. If I see that students are deviating from the purpose of the activity it is my responsibility to put them back in the track. However, during this activity I did not have any problems regarding discipline.

Classroom Management
1. What aspects of learner behavior do I respond to?
When students are getting really noisy that they prevent the other learners from paying attention I do something to calm them down. Also, when they are not paying attention to the class or doing something else that is not related to the class.
2. How efficient/effective am I at setting up group work?
I do not think I am really efficient in grouping students. For practical issues, I usually group them in rows; however, I am thinking of grouping them by numbers in the following activities that I carry out.
3. How much talking do I do in class? (Too little, too much, or just enough?)
I usually do more talking that the students but not much more than them. I think it is just enough.
What happens when I vary the amount?
The class gets noisy and not because they are working around the activity, but because they are talking about something else.
4. How clear and/or useful are the explanations I give to students?
I think that they are sometimes not very clear but I repeat them again so that they really understand what I am saying and my explanation becomes useful for them.

Lesson plan

No Evidence

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